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Authenticating Vendor GSTN Status

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying informed about vendor compliance is crucial. Our comprehensive solution on inactive GSTN vendors provides valuable insights, empowering businesses to make informed decisions and maintain regulatory compliance with ease.

SAP solutions by Inteliwaves

Key Features

Daily Automated Updates on GSľN Status fíom Goveínment Poítal

Daily Email Notifications of Inactive GSľN

Error/Warning Pop-up for Inactive GSľN Vendors during Invoice Posting

User-based posting of invoices against inactive GSTN

Report of Vendor GSTN with status as Active / Inactive

Business Benefits

Compliance Assurance

The solution helps ensure compliance with tax regulations by identifying vendors with inactive GSTNs. This allows businesses to avoid engaging with non-compliant vendors and potential tax liabilities

Time Efficiency

The solution streamlines the process of checking the GSTN status of each vendor. Instead of manually verifying each vendor's status, businesses receive a consolidated report, saving valuable time and effort

Risk Mitigation

Identifying vendors with inactive GSTN reduces the risk of potential legal and financial implications associated with non-compliance. Businesses can proactively mitigate risks by avoiding transactions with non-compliant vendors

Scalable and Future-Proof

Our product is designed to accommodate the evolving needs of your business, ensuring longterm success and adaptability

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