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Standard VS Actual Report for Production

In today’s competitive environment, identifying quantity deviation from planned material consumption is critical. Our product offers a comprehensive solution by delivering production insights to understand the quantity deviation & identify the difference for material consumption.

SAP solutions by Inteliwaves

Key Features

Material Qty. Comparison for Std vs Act material consumption

Cost Comparison for Std and Act material consumption

It offers the flexibility to select the desired timelines such as day, week, etc.

Report output can showcase Plan Vs Actual Qty for each production order.

It can showcase Plan Vs Actual Qty for a Finished material & plant as well.

Business Benefits

Efficient Resource allocation

Empowers business to allocate resources efficiently, optimize production schedules, minimize waste

Cost Optimization

Highlights differences between actual and standard costs, that helps to identify cost overruns and potential opportunities for savings.

Material Efficiency

Comparing the standard BOM with actual consumption supports the identification of areas where production processes can be optimized for better efficiency and reduced material wastage

Scalable and Future-Proof

Our product is designed to accommodate the evolving needs of your business, ensuring long term success & adaptability. Hence, this solution would work for new company codes or newly created plants as well.

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