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Managed Disaster Recovery on AWS

Inteliwaves offers a fully managed, automated and cost-efficient Disaster Recovery as a service powered by CloudEndure and AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Service.

Inteliwaves Disaster Recovery on AWS

Mission Critical Framework

Downtime, no matter how slight, impacts revenue, brand image, customer satisfaction, and ability to remain competitive. Imagine the downtime experienced by manufacturing plants, hospitals, stock exchanges, banks, etc. Quantifying the damage is a terrifying task in itself.


Cost savings Across infrastructure


Reduced Downtime Hours


Boost in IT Staff Productivity

The Inteliwaves Disaster Recovery Framework

The Inteliwaves Managed Disaster Recovery service powered by AWS CloudEndure & AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery service provides simple, cost-effective, modern data backup and recovery platform to meet the demands of enterprises to provide uninterrupted services in order to bring resilience to business models.

Disaster Recovery on AWS


Industry use Information Technology
Disaster Recovery on SAP


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