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Make Migration Simple and Scalable

We take care of the cloud migration so you can focus on other areas of your business. Let us help you develop a secure, repeatable, and scalable cloud migration roadmap and migration strategy for your business.

Transition to the Cloud With Confidence.

A migration plan that is tailored to the needs of your business applications will maximize your success. Our team understands your IT infrastructure and application landscape. To validate an application footprint, create an application to asset mapping. The aim of application affinity analysis is to map the interdependencies between applications and develop a high-level migration plan.

Inteliwaves Enterprise Migration Framework

Lower Costs

Inteliwaves expertise- Cloud service

Accelerate Transformation


Scale Faster

The Inteliwaves Enterprise Cloud Migration Framework

Our experts installed, maintained, and migrated thousands of systems around the globe and across industries. You can have confidence that working with us can reduce your risk and lower your costs.

Inteliwaves Enterprise Migration Framework


Identify the gaps in your organization's cloud readiness, analyze applications architecture and dependencies, and evaluate hardware performance and age of the hardware to bucket your applications.

Before any migration, we set up and configure key components that form a foundation layer. A quick proof of concept to check platform, migration ease, and application performance.


Cloud migration involves migrating some or all your digital operations to the cloud. You can migrate from premise to cloud, cloud to cloud, or cloud to premise. Whenever we perform any of these three migration types, we use three methods and strategies.


As-is migration to the cloud.


Taking advantages of cloud computing without major changes.


Create a cloud-ready application from scratch.


Migrated applications are tested on the following factors:

After the checks are complete, our architects will finalize the data migration and initiate production cut over before migration sign-off.


We will then utilize our core migration team members to overlap support on the critical issues after the migration activity has been signed off. Your application will be managed by Inteliwaves' certified engineers with a service level agreement of 99.99%

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Let's Build Together On Scale.