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Reconciliation of TDS Receivables between 26AS & data posted in SAP

In today's competitive business env ironment, ensuring TDS compliance is critical. Our product helps in reconciling TDS 26AS data with existing data plays a pivotal role in enhancing financial reporting accuracy, adhering to tax regulations, and optimizing operational efficiency

SAP solutions by Inteliwaves

Key Features

Effortlessly upload TDS Form 26AS files to SAP with built-in support for .txt format, ensuring seamless integration

Instantly update document numbers for recorded business entries upon file upload, ensuring seamless and accurate reconciliation

After the reconciliation process, users can generate a comprehensive report to identify reconciled & un reconciled documents

User friendly interfaces empower teams for smooth and efficient adoption through the process

Business Benefits

Minimizing Tax Leakage

By aligning 26AS with SAP documents, businesses gain the capability to identify and rectify excessive TDS deductions. This approach effectively curbs tax leakage leading to enhanced financial efficiency

Enhanced Accuracy

Ensures precision,by minimizing the potential for errors, thereby establishing a dependable foundation

Enhanced Efficiency

By simplifying the reconciliation process,TDS 26AS minimizes the need for manual intervention and reduces the time spent, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency

Scalable and Future-Proof

This solution is flexible to accommodate your changing requirements and can seamlessly integrate with new company codes that might be established within the same SAP landscape

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