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SAP Analytic Cloud

Plan, analyze, and forecast your business performance by leveraging the descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive analytics capabilities offered by SAC.

Quick and assured decision-making with SAP Analytic Cloud, go live within just 8 weeks.

SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline and enhance planning & forecasting. It integrates data from various sources, enabling businesses to create accurate, dynamic, and collaborative plans aligned with their strategic goals

SAP Analytics Cloud Service by Inteliwaves

Core Functionalities of SAP Analytic Cloud


Business Intelligence

Enable business users to operate safely and securely with governed data, crafting interactive stories and dashboards. Discover and deliver actionable insights throughout the enterprise with intuitive self-service analytics.

  • Seamless integration of data sources and systems
  • Craft personalized business narratives using the dashboards and analyses that suit your requirements.
  • Link your SAP systems, as well as on-premise and cloud data sources.
  • Easy to understand
  • Share insights with your team
Inteliwaves expertise- Cloud service

Cloud Planning

Leverage SAP Analytics Cloud for planning to facilitate extended planning and analysis. Enable the crowdsourcing of plans across your business, develop precise forecasts, and enhance overall business outcomes.

  • Develop simple planning models with templates
  • Explore planning layouts with a unique appearance
  • Calculate plannings & forecasts with high performance
  • Conduct plan/actual comparisons within a single application.
Cloud Consulting services by Inteliwaves

Smart Predictive Analytics

A single click can produce business forecasts and projected outcomes, eliminating the need for a lengthy and cumbersome process.

  • Use one SAP cloud interface for designing and modifying data-driven planning models for forecasting, budgeting, and analysis.
  • Machine Learning tools aid in understanding your present and future business needs.
  • Adopt a single solution for enhanced business decisions through seamless integration and creation of plans.

Business Benefits of SAP Aanalytic Cloud

Inteliwaves presents a fully comprehensive, cloud-based analytics solution that integrates BI, financial planning, and dashboard capabilities. It encompasses smart data preparation, data discovery, planning, and predictive analysis capabilities suitable for diverse industries and organizations. Our cutting-edge solutions are developed from the ground up, empowering entities to explore, plan, predict, and collaborate through five real-time dashboards in a unified platform.​

Smart Insights

Smart Insights

Predictive Forecasting

Predictive Forecasting

Version Management

Version Management

Top down or Bottom-Up Planning

Top down or Bottom-Up Planning

Real time visibility

Real Time Data Analysis

Success Stories

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