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Income Tax Depreciation (ITD) for Fixed Assets

In the current rapidly evolving market, every business or individual aims to minimize their tax obligations and lessen the burden of taxes. This effective solution offers precise and swift calculations for Income Tax Depreciation, enabling the claiming of depreciation as a tax deduction .

SAP solutions by Inteliwaves

Key Features

Accurate Income Tax Depreciation Reporting

Automated ITD Rate Calculation based on Asset Blocks

Seamless legacy Migration of ITD Asset Values

Flexible ITD Computation at Full or Half Rate, depending on 180-day

Utilization of WDV Method for ITD Calculation

Ability to Claim Additional Depreciation in Exceptional Cases

Business Benefits

Increase Efficiency

Enhance efficiency by automating the identification of assets and depreciation calculations, eliminating the need for manual intervention

Mitigate Compliance Risks

Solution effectively mitigates the risks associated with manual ITD calculations, ensuring accurate tax calculations and minimizing the potential impact on the calculated ITD liability.

Seamless Audit Experience

Streamline your auditing process with precise calculations directly from the SAP system, eliminating the need for manual Excel files

Scalable and Future-Proof

Our solution effortlessly adapts newly established companies within the same SAP landscape, guaranteeing efficient integration and management

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